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How To Upgrade Firmware on Your EVO II Aircraft?

Video: How To Upgrade Firmware (Autel EVO II Series)

Before updating

  1. Please remove the propellers before updating the firmware
  2. Make sure the battery levels of both the aircraft and the remote controller are over 25% and that there's adequate space on your microSD card first

Methods 1| Updating your firmware using a mobile device

Open the Autel Explorer app, if it prompts for new firmware then you can download and upload the firmware, you can check the upgrade process on the remote controller.

Please do not power off the aircraft or remote controller during the upgrade.

Methods 2| Upgrading your firmware by using a microSD card

  1. Download the firmware upgrade package from Autel robotics official website
  2. Store the firmware in the root directory of your SD card
  3. Unfold the front arms and rear arms, open the aircraft SD card slot insert the SD card
  4. Power on the aircraft and remote controller, the upgrade process will start automatically.
  5. During the update process don't turn off the aircraft or the remote controller.
  6. The remote controller will prompt when the upgrade is successful after the upgrade please restart the aircraft and the remote controller
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