The technological advancement of drones has allowed us to see the development of aerial data in various industries. Police departments across the country are also deploying powerful drones for aerial surveillance. Do you know this?
Advances in drone technology allow law enforcement to monitor individual or collective actions from a distance, and this surveillance is also a protection for large, constitutionally protected events such as performing arts groups, religious ceremonies, and political gatherings.
The technological advancements made by modern drones in long-distance surveillance, automatic identification and automatic tracking have brought about exponential cost reductions. Compared with police helicopters, drones as aerial surveillance tools will become possible on a larger scale. Sexual existence.
As of May 2018, at least 910 state and local public safety agencies had purchased drones (according to Federal Aviation Administration and other records), according to research from the Center for the Study of Drones at Bard College. Of those, 599 are law enforcement agencies.

Map of Inspire 2 and Matrice drones (which can be equipped with the X30) in use by police departments throughout the country. (Source: Google Maps screenshot created based on data from the Center for the Study of the Drones at Bard College)
Most residents feel trepidation when faced with intrusive aerial surveillance by police drones. But it’s important to note that because of these serious and growing risks to personal privacy, lawmakers must start taking the threat of aerial surveillance more seriously.
Many U.S. states have restrictions on drone-based surveillance. For example, Florida, Maine, North Dakota and Virginia all have some form of warrant requirement for police use of drones, and Rhode Island has proposed legislation banning the use of facial recognition on any images taken by drones.
Police drones not only serve a surveillance role but also serve important public safety purposes, such as natural disaster response and search and rescue.
It is necessary to legislate reasonable restrictions on the aerial surveillance of law enforcement drones. However, private measures cannot be taken to oppose drones, such as using drone jammers to affect the normal use of police drones.