A suspicious drone is hovering over my house, is there anything I can do to stop it and get rid of it? A laser pointer, is that possible? Can a laser pointer be used to shoot down a drone?
Surveillance drones that have no regard for other people's privacy are so annoying, but can I shoot down one with a laser pointer?
The answer is possible. High-power laser pointers are not drone jammers in the traditional sense, but they also have the potential to shoot down drones.

Laser rays generate heat and can cause the drone's outer shell to melt and damage the drone's internal wiring. Standard laser pointers can interfere with a drone's sensors and emit a bright light, which can blind the camera and thus obstruct the operator's view, potentially causing a crash.
Laser pointers are pen-like devices that project a narrow beam of light. All projected light waves have similar wavelengths, and they travel together in the same phase. The laser doesn't spread too much but concentrates the energy on a small area. This concentration of light is responsible for the aforementioned heating and visual disturbances.
This situation will also be encountered in some large-scale performances or events. When you're preparing to capture a live event, a red dot always appears on your phone's lens, which means you're being illuminated by a laser pointer. Prolonged exposure to high-power laser pointers can damage the camera sensor.
Why can laser pointers shoot down drones?

If the drone is within your visual distance, shining a laser pointer on the drone may cause some damage to it.
The first is the drone shell. The drone shell is usually made of lightweight plastic material to reduce weight and wind resistance. Prolonged laser irradiation may burn through the shell and further affect the wires and sensors inside the drone fuselage, causing the drone to lose control.
The second is the drone camera sensor. As an optical element, the camera sensor is easily burned and damaged by high-heat lasers, interfering with the camera's field of view, further causing the pilot to lose control of the drone, leading to a collision or crash.
Finally, there are the drone body sensors. Drones are usually covered with obstacle avoidance sensors on the outside of the fuselage. If the obstacle avoidance sensors are damaged, it will affect the drone's landing and obstacle avoidance functions, leading to a crash.
Will I be seen if I shine a laser pointer at a drone?
The stronger the laser, the easier it is to see. High-power lasers are particularly visible in dark environments and are usually red or green. If they are outside the visible spectrum of the human eye (about 400 to 700 nanometers), such lasers are almost invisible.
At the same time, due to the presence of particles or mist (such as smoke, dust, etc.) in the air, which scatters the light, the path of the beam may become visible. Therefore, when you shine a laser pointer at the drone, you can clearly see the source of the laser.
Is it illegal to shoot down a drone with a laser?
Yes. Shooting down drones with lasers is illegal under FAA and state laws. You may be imprisoned or fined. Because using a laser pointer can interfere with the drone pilot’s ability to fly and the drone’s communication system. This can damage other people's property, but can also lead to other potentially harmful events, such as crash landing people or property.
Take the New Jersey drone sightings for example, many citizens are uneasy about the increasing number of drones in the sky, and even use laser pointers to shoot down drones. But in fact, a large part of the New Jersey drone incidents were based on misidentification, many of which were commercial aircraft, often spotted at night by people who were not familiar with navigation lights and other air traffic features.
Shooting at aircraft, whether manned or unmanned, is illegal and endangers everyone in the community.
In addition to the direct safety risks, these actions also carry severe legal penalties, including federal charges. Aiming a laser at an aircraft is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
How to legally shoot down illegal drones?
Illegal drones pose an increasing challenge and may pose an urgent and lasting threat to U.S. personnel, facilities and assets. The Department of Defense is also emphasizing strengthening anti-drone measures in its new strategy.
Citizens cannot shoot drones privately, but when drones illegally invade important national infrastructure, military bases and government departments, these possible drone threats will be detected, tracked and analyzed, and anti-drone capabilities will be deployed to enhance the ability to capture these illegal drones or return them.
Skyfend provides top anti-drone equipment and anti-drone solutions that can analyze, detect, track, and strike drones, and locate the position of drone operators to eliminate small drone threats at the source.
Laser pointers can shoot down drones, especially high-performance drones. They can heat the drone, damage its wiring system, and interfere with the pilot's vision. However, using a laser pointer to interfere with a drone is illegal and you could be jailed or pay a hefty fine for the crime. Therefore, it is not wise to use a laser pointer on a drone.