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Autel L35T Infrared camera for Autel Alpha & Autel Titan

Autel L35T Infrared camera for Autel Alpha & Autel Titan

The Autel L35T camera is a new multi-load drone camera lens launched by Autel Robotics, which can support infrared cameras, zoom cameras, starlight cameras and rangefinders. Here, we will explain Autel L35T Infrared camera specifications and Autel L35T Infrared camera image comparison.

13mm and 45mm Infrared Camera Linked Zoom

13mm and 45mm Infrared Camera Linked Zoom

Autel L35T Infrared camera includes dual thermal imaging lenses, which can support a maximum of 56x hybrid zoom and a thermal imaging resolution of 640*512. The dual thermal imaging lenses can be divided into a 13mm short-focus lens and a 45mm telephoto lens. The short-focus lens can shoot Larger image field of view, telephoto lens captures a better range of details.

The 45mm long-focus infrared camera can compensate for the detail blur caused by the digital zoom of the 13mm short-focus infrared camera, allowing for observation of further target objects.

Autel L35T camera is only suitable for Autel Alpha/Autel Titan drones.

Among the Autel thermal imaging drones, the EVO II 640T drone has a thermal imaging resolution of 640*512, an aperture of 13mm, and a 16x hybrid zoom. Autel EVO MAX 4T/4N thermal imaging resolution is 640*512, aperture 13mm.

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